Healthcare Plan Provider Opportunities

Partnering with Provide Rx Health
Provide Rx Health Group is the trusted innovator of the Utah Public Employee Health Plan’s Prescription Tourism Program.
Since 2018 our initiatives have saved the state of Utah’s government employee health plan members hundreds of thousands of dollars in prescription costs. The Provide Rx Health program offers its partners substantially lower prescription medication prices.

Providing Affordable Care to Healthcare Plan Administrators
When a plan member is unable to pay for a necessary prescription, our team understands how stressful it can be for the patient, and the provider.
Partnering with Provide Rx Health can reduce member prescription medication costs by up to 70%, and our health plan partners have recognized the positive impact on their members well-being and savings.
At Provide Rx Health, we also understand the business of healthcare insurance programs, and the need to reduce costs for everyone.
When you partner with Provide Rx Healthcare, we guide your subscribers through the prescription ordering process, and assign each healthcare member a bilingual Case Manager. Each member’s order is processed safely, easily, and reliably, by our professional customer service representatives and fulfillment pharmacies.

How does implementing an imported prescription fulfillment program work?
Under current law, certain drugs from Canada can be imported, solely if the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) certifies that importation does not pose a threat to the American public’s health and safety. In September 2020, the FDA released final guidelines for safe drug importation from Canada and other countries.
Pharma contested this ruling by projecting safety concerns. However, in May 2021, the current Administration argued that the plaintiffs could not prove future injuries to patients, and that their actions were speculative.
The current US political position has opened the door for states to implement prescription drug importation initiatives and mandates the FDA to work with states to support prescription drug importation from Canada.

How is partnering with Provide Rx Health a solution to reducing drug costs for health plan administrators?
Studies have shown that Americans pay more for their prescription medications than in most developed countries. According to one analysis, commonly prescribed brand-nameimported prescription medication prices were found to be 48% lower than of those in the United States on average.
Canada’s drug prices are more affordable, due to the Canadian government’s regulations to lower the expense of prescription drugs. Since 1987, the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) has regulated the price of patent protected medications in Canada to ensure that they are priced for fair accessibility to patients.
PMPRB regulates Canadian drug prices, and if the Board recognizes the price of a prescription is inaccessible or excessively priced, they can order the manufacturer to reduce the cost of the drug and may impose a penalty for non-compliance.

How does the US regulate the importation of prescription drugs from other countries?
Any drug to be imported into the US must meet FDA standards established by the Food and Drug Cosmetic (FD&C) Act of 1938.
Now, legally imported prescribed medications are limited to those that are manufactured in foreign FDA-inspected facilities and are subject of an FDA-approved drug application, intended for use by U.S. consumers, and imported into the U.S. by the drug manufacturer.
In 2000, Congress enacted the Medicine Equity and Drug Safety (MEDS) Act, which added Section 804 to the FD&C Act, to allow pharmacists and wholesalers to import prescription medications from industrialized countries, including Canada, subjected tolimitations, safeguards, and a stipulation that the HHS Secretary demonstratesthe program poses no additional risk to the public’s health and safety, and results in a significant reduction in the cost of covered products to the American consumer.
Importation of prescription drugs under conditions established by the MEDS Act, and also by the MMA, then allowed wholesalers and pharmacists to obtain FDA-approved drugs at reduced prices viapurchase from foreign sellers and pass these savings on to the American public.

What drug importation plans are available?
In 2020, the US Government issued a final rule and final FDA guidance for the importation of prescription medication. Under this ruling, states, territories, and Indian tribes, and under some conditions, pharmacists and wholesalers are authorized to enact time-limited importation programs, known as Section 804 Implementation Programs or SIPs, for Canada.
The final FDA guidance outlines guidelines for manufacturers to legally import and market FDA-approved drugs that have been manufactured in other countries, in the U.S.with the intent of marketing in the US. However, they must be authorized for sale in a foreign country.
By implementing this rule, a pharmaceutical manufacturer can obtain a National Drug Code (NDC) for drugs the intent to import to the U.S. In the recent past, numerous manufacturers have expressed to the Administration their goal to offer reduced cost options but were not effective because they were bound by contracts with extraneous supply chain parties. This situation now highlights an opportunity for manufacturers to offer reduced cost options for these medications.

Which prescribed drugs are available under the new importation plans?
Under the final FDA guidance, which allows manufacturers to import drugs to the U.S. that were manufactured and intended for sale in other countries and not limited to Canada, prescription drugs, including biologic products excluded under the final rule, could be imported, and made accessible to consumers These drugs must be currently offered and marketed in the United States.

Which states have currently adopted drug importation plans?
May states have actively been pursuing the allowance of foreign prescription import to benefit their constituents including Florida, Vermont, Colorado, Maine, New Mexico, and New Hampshire who have each enacted laws establishing importation programs for making prescription drugsavailable from Canada.
Each state is required to submit a proposal to HHS to demonstrate how its program will meet those safety and cost saving requirements.
Vermont and Colorado submitted theirstate’s proposals in recent years, and in January 2021, they’ve begun workwith vendors to implement an effective drug importation program. New Mexico and Maine have also submitted importation plans for HHS approval.
New Hampshire has moved forward with its development of importation plans for HHS approval. Additionally, North Dakota passed a bill mandating further study on the future impact of prescription drug importation.

Why offer medications sourced from other countries?
In most circumstances, it isn’t legal for individuals to import FDA-approved drugs from other countries for personal use. However, based on changes enacted by the MMA, personal importation of prescription drugs that have not been approved by the FDA for use in the U.S. is restricted and has an individual case study approach.
The FDA has published guidance that outlines circumstances where importation of non-FDA approved drugs for personal use may be allowed.
Personal importation is normally permitted if the treatment is for a life-threatening condition, and where there is no effective alternatives available in the U.S., and there is no commercialization of the drug for use by United States residents.
Generally, a 90 day supply of prescribed medications is allowed, and individuals must affirm that the drug is for personal use, and provide valid physician information, and prescriptions for their request.

Reduce Healthcare Plan costs with prescription drug import solutions
78% of Americans are in favor of allowing US residents to purchase their prescription medications from licensed Canadian pharmacies.
To provide the most comprehensive health services, Provide Rx Health has access to international pharmacies, physicians, and hospitals and our network of licensed pharmacists, physicians, and staff will work together to ensure you receive the service quickly and professionally.
We connect Health Plan Benefit Providers and Individual clients to everything our network has available for our international affiliated pharmacies, including respected specialists and premier private medical facilities and hospitals.
In conjunction with our suite of affiliated international pharmacy providers, we recognize the necessity to provide our members and individual patients with proven solutions to control and reduce healthcare costs.Provide Rx focuses on international operational concierge health services.
When you join as a United States-affiliated partner, and we work to develop a simple, tailored to you program with proven, trusted solutions that result in healthcare dollar savings.

How we started
Provide Rx Health was created with a simple focus on helping people and healthcare providers access tremendous savings through imported pharmaceuticals, and medical tourism programs.
How we can help
Our knowledge and years of experience in the complexity of the United States healthcare system enables us to offer a wide variety of services that benefit and offer healthcare dollar savings to individuals’ patient, and managed healthcare plans.
Our network of affiliated associates allows us to offer over ten thousand prescription medications, and access to medical services along with the cost-saving benefits.Provide Rx Health services to individuals, companies, self-insured, pharmacy benefit providers, organizations, communities, and health benefit providers, to name a few, and provides access to affordable prescription medications and health services from Canada or Mexico.
Our company facilitates convenient commonly prescribed medications, with tremendous savings, while never compromising quality or safety. All medications are Health Canada approved and manufactured by Canadian pharmaceutical companies.Upon the delivery of a valid prescription, we offer of a 90-day supply of Canadian prescription medication to your members via Canadian pharmacies, delivered quickly and conveniently to the member.
All Canadian pharmacy providers are licensed and regulated by their Provincial College of Pharmacists, Provincial Government, and Health Canada. Every medication dispensed is Health Canada approved and manufactured by Canadian pharmaceutical companies.

Educational resources
A crucial element in the efficacy of Provide Rx Health program is the education of employees and individual a health plan member. We offer continued, comprehensive training and support, and quickly resolve any issues.
Medical Tourism Program
Provide Rx Health also offers members safe, emergent medical tourismservices.
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