Connecting people with safe discount pharmacies
Thank you for visiting Provide Rx Health. Provide Rx Health Group is the trusted innovator of the Utah Public Employee Health Plan’s Prescription Tourism Program.
Since 2018, we’ve successfully provided access to medications for the state of Utah Employee Medical Programs, with a growing savings of hundreds of thousands of healthcare dollars.
Our goal is to provide access to affordably priced prescription medications fulfilled by our reputable, preferred sources, utilizing a network of premier, licensed, and trusted international pharmacies for our fulfillment services- direct to you.
Our partnerships provide you with access to both brand-name and generic pharmaceuticals from licensed and regulated sources. We welcome you to join our current partners, including the State of Utah Employee Healthcare Group, in enjoying incredible savings on your prescription medications.
Provide Rx Health services to individuals, companies, self-insured, pharmacy benefit providers, organizations, communities, and health benefit providers, to name a few, and provides access to affordable prescription medications and health services from Canada or Mexico.
Our group provides access to thousands of prescription medications and over-the-counter products at savings of up to 70 percent. Brand-name medications and generic drugs are available through our secure website or by phone.
We are a network of trusted and reputable international pharmacy fulfillment concierge companies that offer reliable, verified medications at a reduced cost to you- every day. And we’re here to help!

We are not a pharmacy
We are not an online pharmacy; we are a US-based healthcare concierge company aiming to help clients get the best price for non-scheduled prescription medications. We work with numerous licensed international pharmacies to deliver safe, affordable medications directly to our client’s doors.
Each pharmacy partner adheres to professional pharmacy standards and requires a valid prescription for every order.
We offer 360-degree solutions for the benefits providers interested in providing direct savings to the end user.

Safety you can trust
Provide Rx Health Group was founded on the belief that life-preserving medication should be available to everyone.
Our mission is to provide you with access to brand-name and generic medications in an affordable, safe, and convenient way. A licensed pharmacist carefully checks and verifies every order to meet all quality and safety guidelines.
An internationally certified pharmacy provides every available medication.
All delivered medications are approved by one of the governances of The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, Department of Health, Canada (Health Canada).
Since 2018, Provide Rx Health has offered consistent, quality, and reliable customer service. Our experienced, knowledgeable, and highly trained staff, including our dedicated Customer Service Representatives, quickly expedite answers and resolve customer inquiries.

Our commitment
Our commitment to our customers is safety first, consistent quality, real savings, and exceptional customer support.
We help our customers get great prices on safe, high-quality prescription drugs from trusted sources that apply strict standards regarding content, quality, and handling.
Our customers are treated with honesty, integrity, and adherence to the highest ethical standards with no hidden fees, taxes, or other charges.
At Provide Rx Health Group, our only business is helping Americans save money on safe, high-quality prescription drugs from valued and safe sources. Everything we do revolves around our total dedication to customer service.
Provide RX Featured on American News Outlets
The Salt Lake Tribune
ABC News
AP News
The Guardian
Fox News
U.S. News & World Report
The Washington Times

Our commitment to your healthcare needs
At Provide Rx Health we provide access to affordable pharmacy services. We are an online pharmacy referral service that connects you to licensed Canadian pharmacies and international fulfillment centers. We source medication from around the world to bring you the most affordable prescription drugs.
If you’ve ever stopped taking medication, considered not filling a prescription, or delayed in taking your medication due to the expense, or cut back on your dosage to save costs, you’re not alone.
High prescription drug prices force millions of Americans to choose between their health and basic needs, like food and housing.
With Provide Rx Health Group, your safety is always our number one priority.
And we know the value of saving up to 70% on trusted prescriptions, with a simple call.
This is where Provide Rx Health excels. We are committed to the belief that you don’t need to choose between finances or your health. We can help you take care of both.
Provide Rx Health was founded on the belief that medication should be available to everyone. It’s our mission to provide you with access to brand-name and generic medications in an affordable, safe, and convenient way.
Our partnering pharmacies and fulfillment centers have been approved by the regulatory bodies in their respective countries, and each order is checked and approved by a qualified, licensed pharmacist. Proof of prescription is required to ensure you’re under a doctor’s care. Personal information is held in accordance with privacy laws.
At Provide Rx, we also offer convenient Tele Health Services for renewal of non-scheduled (narcotic) prescriptions.
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